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Dehradun to Kedarnath - Dehradun Taxi - Reliable & Safe Transportation
  • Amar Bharti , Chandrabani, Dehradun
  • 9634999394
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Dehradun to Kedarnath

Dehradun Taxi Service - Reliable & Safe Transportation - Book Now

Kedarnath is one of holiest and purest religious site for all Hindu devotees. As per Hindu mythology, this sacred city is one of the famous dhams among Chardham. This remote town of Uttarakhand has gained popularity among Hindu devotees as it is known the place of Lord Shiva. This sacred city is located in a colourful ambience with magnificent sights of nature. Kedarnath is situated in the lap of snow covered Himalayan range and almost 11,755 ft. above sea level. Almost all the appeals nestled in higher altitude condense every witness a charming and enchanting feeling. The place is a perfect amalgamation of spirituality and adventure, which makes this small city most unique.

The prime importance of this place is Kedarnath Temple and it is an old place to worship Lord Shiva. According to mythology, after Kurukshetra war, Pandavas went on a journey to seek blessings from Lord Shiva as they were guilty of killing their own relatives. But Lord Shiva avoided to meet them and hided himself at Guptkashi. Pandavas found him there, but Lord Shiva took a form of buffalo so that Pandavas could not recognise them. However, when Lord saw them coming closer, he decided to become invisible. While Lord tried to do so, Bhima understood that and hold Lord’s legs and tail. As a result, Lord Shiva dived and disappeared at that place leaving behind his hump. That hump is now worshipped at the Kedarnath Temple.

 Almost thousands of Hindu devotees across the world visit this place every year. Apart from devotees, many tourists visit this place for its splendid natural beauty.  Are you interested to explore beauty of the Northern India? If yes, then with Dehradun Taxi’s AC/ NON AC taxi, bus, traveller you can comfortably visit the place and enjoy the road trip. So, all you need to do is online taxi booking directly from our Dehradun Taxi website.
