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Dehradun to Tungnath - Dehradun Taxi - Reliable & Safe Transportation
  • Amar Bharti , Chandrabani, Dehradun
  • 9634999394
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Dehradun to Tungnath

Dehradun Taxi Service - Reliable & Safe Transportation - Book Now

Whether you are a devotee or a nature lover, Tungnath is a must visit for you if you want to explore Uttarakhand. This is an enchanting location where nature is just like a pictorial vistas. The prime attraction of this place is Tungnath Temple, which is one of the highest Shiva temples in the world.

This temple is also known as the highest of the five Panch Kedar temples and it is located in Rudraprayag district. It is believed to be 1000 years old and in the order of Panch Krdars, it is the tritiya Kedar. The temple has a great connection with the Mahabharata heroes Pandavas. According to Hindu mythology, the temple was built by Pandavas, as Rishi Vyas advised them to worship Lord Shiva to get his pardon for their sin to slay their own cousins. The magnificent architecture of this temple makes it most attractive to all visitors. This temple is considered as one of the sacred place for Hindu devotees and many pilgrims visit this place to receive blessings from Lord Shiva.

To feel the true essence of the mystic Garwal region you need to come here at least once in your life and the best time of visiting this place is from April to November. To make your trip most comfortable, we, the best Garwal Taxi Service agency is always there. You can enjoy the road trip without any hiccups with our AC/NON AC luxury taxi, bus or traveller within a pocket friendly budget. So, without any hesitation book the Dehradun Taxi and explore the mystic beauty of Tungnath.
