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Dehradun to Pithoragarh - Dehradun Taxi - Reliable & Safe Transportation
  • Amar Bharti , Chandrabani, Dehradun
  • 9634999394
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Dehradun to Pithoragarh

Dehradun Taxi Service - Reliable & Safe Transportation - Book Now

Pithoragarh is one of the beautiful district of Uttarakhand. This district is Nepal in the east side and Tibet in the north side.  The scenic beauty of this place makes it ‘Little Kashmir’. This small and captivating valley is located at the height of 1,645 meters. This small town is a major center for pilgrims, as they start their journey to holy shrines such as Mansarovar and Kailash. The mesmerising view of Nanda Devi east and west peaks make this district most fascinating place in Uttarakhand. If you visit to this place you can also cherish the beauty of different glaciers such as Sundardunga, Milam, Ralam, Namik and so on. This easternmost district of North India is a historical landmark during the regime of great Chand Kings. That time, Pithoragarh was one of the prime centre of power in Kumaon area. When you plan to visit this fascinating district of Northern India, you can go to few places to explore the natural beauty of India.

Kapileshwar Mahadev is a famous cave temple located in the outskirts of Pithoragarh. This temple is made for worshiping Lord Shiva. Except divine aspect of this temple, you can enjoy an amazing view of the Sor Valley and beautiful range of Himalaya.

Pithoragarh Fort is another major attraction for tourists. The fort was built during 18th century and it was one of the major center of power in northern India. Now Government of India takes care of this Fort and they are housed in this place.

Dhwaj Temple is situated at an altitude of 2,100 meters and this is another sacred place where tourists visit during their trip. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Jayanti and Lord Shiva. Those who want to explore majestic view of snow-capped mountain peaks and green valley, this place is a must visit for them.  

Thal Kedar is another beautiful location, which is situated at the distance of 20 kilometres from Pithoragarh district. This place is known for its religious importance and during Shivratri, a beautiful fair takes place here.

So, just pack your bag and call us, the Dehradun Taxi. Our experienced drivers will make your trip from Dehradun to Pithoragarh memorable one. Without any hassle you can reach to this beautiful district of Uttarakhand and you can enjoy the road trip. To avail this, you just need to book us, the best taxi services in Uttarakhand within a very reasonable price.
